Music Ministry

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“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”
–Ephesians 5:19

Here at FBBC, we engage in purposeful, passionate worship. Our praise comes from the heart and seeks only to magnify the Lord. Hence, the music assumes its natural function as a conduit through which our worship wings its way to God’s ear even as the Holy Spirit softens our hearts and steadies our focus. The motivating principle behind our music is a desire to be better positioned to take in the preached Word of God.

Because our enthusiasm is oriented toward honoring and glorifying the Lord, we seek to give Him nothing but our very best. Those who attend our services will enjoy uplifting, Christ-honoring, dynamic worship that spans several genres. There are numerous aspects of God’s beauty and just as many reasons to praise Him. Thus, we strive to reflect–in some small way–the diversity of His excellence through a wide spectrum of musical styles.